How to Care for a Pet Rat

This article was co-authored by Brian Starr. Brian Starr is a Rat Specialist and Breeder and the Owner of OC Dumbos out of Central Florida. As America’s only breeder of pet Roof Rats, Brian and OC Dumbos specialize in rat breeding, training, and care. Years of experience and several generations of careful breeding have allowed Brian and OC Dumbos to create a line of tame Roof Rats, bred to make friendly, fun pets. In addition to offering rat accessories and training resources, OC Dumbos also offers free Roof Rat adoptions.

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Rats have been called "low maintenance dogs" because of their appealing blend of intelligence and loyalty. While no pet can really be considered "low maintenance," rats are certainly much easier to care for. A well-socialized, happy rat makes for a friendly, sweet, inquisitive, intelligent, and interactive pet. These entertaining creatures make great pets, but if you are considering getting a pet rat, do your homework first. Caring correctly for any pet, no matter its size, is important.